Monday, March 15, 2010


My students were walking into my class for their last period of the day.

Student 1: Miss! How was your day?
Me: It was very good!
Student 2: You had a DATE?!?! (BIG smile)


Student 2 was very disappointed to find out that I, indeed, did not have a date!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Is this a compliment?!

So it's the first day back after the weekend and I actually did take the time to plan out what I was going to wear to school this morning. I don't usually dress up in skirts and suites all the time but I enjoy it from time to time and I was in the mood today. I wore a knee length, eight piece, navy blue skirt with a white ruffled shirt (3/4 sleeve), a red, tight fit jacket and flat ballerina shoes.

And the day began...

(conversation with student)

Student: (puts hand up)
Teacher: yes?
Student: I don't know if this is a compliment but can I just say something?
Teacher: Yes what is it?
Student: I just want to say that I think you look something like the '70's today... i like it!
Teacher: Well thank you very much! I would take that as being a compliment!
Student: (big smile)

I'm not all too sure if I did "look like the '70's" or not... but that's beside the point

Some kids are just too cute.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Smile for the Camera!! :@D

Yesterday was year book picture day. Students got all excited as they were taken out of classes an hour at a time (so much for that class!) to get their pictures taken for the year book. Each grade year were asked to have individual and group shots as well as goofy pictures with friends of their choice.

Talk about having a good time! I love the way students' personalities really shine in a different light when you see them outside of the classroom.

It's even more entertaining to watch as boys laugh about being boys and girls worry about their hair! Very interesting how sweethearts look purer than ever and the bullies pose as such for the cameras. The girls flaunted their stuff in front of the flash too. (making it even more obvious who actually spent hours practicing their poses in front of the mirror the night before and who went for the natural 'what you see is what you get' look).
It was an interesting 2 hours of observing.

One thing I wasn't very fond of was how the photographer was asking students to shout out certain things while taking pictures (which was fine!). There was one chant that got me on alert though: "Too cool for school".... well you know what ... that's not so cool in my book. We as teachers and staff spend forever trying to get children to love the school they're in and value the importance of education and here you are cancelling out what every school stands for in the middle of an educational institute!! I'd prefer "School is cool" if you wanna stick to that rhyme. and I wonder if they're asking the primary school students to chant the same... quite worrying if you ask me. But what really sets me off is that I didn't actually muster up the courage to verbalize my thoughts and actually stop and replace that chant! Why didn't I say anything?!?! I just wondered who would back me up... well ummmm other teachers maybe!!
I guess I'll know what to do next time though... if there is one.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Call me old fashioned but...

I can't help but agree with the saying: "It takes a village to raise a child."

It boggles me that so many parents out there leave the raising of their child to be left up to chance and then blame their mistakes and their childrens' on "today's world"

But oh well... it is what it is! But it's the children who get the short end of the stick.